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Para ver este artículo en español por favor
Para ver este artículo en español por favor visite aquí. (To view this article in Spanish, visit here.) Can they sue you? Can they take your house or your car? Can you go to jail? Perhaps it's happened to you: you've lost your job and the bills are starting to pile up, or you've had some unexpected medical expenses that your paycheck just won't cover. Suddenly you are in debt and worried about what's going to happen to you and your family.
Para ver este artículo en español por favor visite aquí. (To view this article in Spanish, visit here.) Why it’s important and how to get a free copy of your report. What is a credit report? A credit report provides information about where you live and how you pay your bills, and  whether you filed for bankruptcy. Generally, judgments are not reported to the Credit Reporting Agencies. However, judgments are public records; a lender can still search and find these.
Para ver este artículo en español por favor visite aquí. (To view this article in Spanish, visit here.)