Rochester Location

Serves Monroe County
Address: One West Main Street, 4th Floor Rochester, NY 14614
Phone: 585-325-2520
TDD: 585-325-2547
Fax: 585-325-2559
Office Hours: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Telephone Intake Hours: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Other Office Numbers:
Fair Housing Enforcement Project: 866-671-FAIR
Health Insurance Navigators: 855-250-7748
Independent Consumer Advocacy Network (I-Can): 877-566-0398
Fair Housing:
Discrimination in renting
Federal Protected Classes: Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Gender, Familiar Status, Disability. Additional Categories in NYS: Age, Marital Status, Sexual Orientation
Accommodation of disabled individuals (e.g., ramp or therapeutic animal)
Terminations from Rochester Public Housing, Section 8
Subsidized housing issues
Landlord problems
Landlord Disputes (Repairs, Utility Shut-offs by landlord)
Employment Rights and Rights of Persons with Criminal Records:
Employment Discrimination
Employment Clearance for Background Checks by Public Agencies
Certificates of Relief from Disability/ Certificates of Good Conduct
Public Benefits denials based on Criminal Record (“Fleeing Felon” and UIB Misconduct)
Employment Discrimination based on Criminal Record (Re-entry issues)- All Counties
Public Benefits:
Denials, Sanctions, or Discontinuances of Public Assistance, Food Stamps, Medical Assistance, Child Care benefits, Non Dependent Grantee, HEAP, etc.
Denials, Sanctions or Discontinuances of Emergency Placements
Representation at Fair Hearings
The Nutrition Outreach & Education Program conducts pre-screenings & assists Food Stamp applicants in Monroe County. Call (585) 295-5624.
Health Law (All 14 Counties within LawNY's Service Area):
Barriers to enrollment and retention of benefits
Denials of health care services
Coordination of benefits
Access to care for uninsured persons
Access to health insurance programs
Reduction of medical debt
- Managed Long-term Care Issue
The Navigator Project:
Assists individuals in applying for Medicaid and health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act. (Monroe and Livingston Counties)
Seniors Legal Services Project:
Click here for additional information for Seniors
Civil legal problems faced by individuals sixty years of age and older including:
Power of Attorney/ Advanced Care Directives (Wills)
Healthcare issues (including Medicare and Medicaid)
Rights of Nursing Home and Adult Home Residents
Social Security Overpayments
Public Benefits
Simple Wills
The Project may, in certain circumstances, make referrals to private attorneys.
Civil legal problems named above faced by veterans and their families.
Pull credit report for unhoused individuals to help them with housing
Our Services Change - Call Our Office - 585-325-2520
The only way to be sure about whether we can help you is to call our office. Because our funding is limited, we are always seeking new grants to fund our services to low-income people. Sometimes, we get new grants that allow us to offer new services. Sometimes, grants end that once paid for us to do special kinds of legal work.