Bath Location

Serves Allegany and Steuben Counties
Address: 16 West William Street, P.O. Box 272 Bath, NY 14810
Phone: 607-776-4126
Toll-Free: 877-776-4126
Fax: 607-776-4029
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:30pm to 5:00 pm (closed for lunch)
Public Benefits
- Unemployment insurance benefits
- Social Security Disability and SSI
- Public assistance
- Food stamps (SNAP)
- Fuel assistance (HEAP)
Housing (tenants only)
- Eviction
- Public and subsidized housing (Section 8)
- Substandard conditions
- Mobile home issues
- Discrimination
- Utility shut-offs
- Mortgage foreclosure
- Tax foreclosure
- Land contracts
- Mobile home issues
Family (for victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault)
- Orders of Protection
- Custody/visitation
- Support
Health Care
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Denials of health care services
- Coordination of benefits
- Access to care for uninsured persons
- Access to health insurance programs
- Reduction of medical debt
- Managed long-term care
Employment Rights and Rights of Persons with Criminal Records
- Employment discrimination
- Employment clearance for background checks by public agencies
- Certificates of Relief from Civil Disabilities/Certificates of Good Conduct
- Public benefits denials based on criminal record ("fleeing felon" and UIB misconduct)
- Employment Discrimination based on criminal record (re-entry issues)
- Protection of exempt income and resources from garnishment
- Bankruptcy (where there is a threat of loss of home or garnishment of income)
Uncontested divorce
- Pro se divorce clinic
Will, health care proxy, and power of attorney
- Referral to volunteer attorneys
We have special projects that provide civil legal services for:
- Victims of domestic violence
- Victims of sexual assault
- Veterans and their family/household members
- Persons living with HIV/AIDS
- People who are 60 years of age or older and are victims of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation
Our Services Change - Call Our Office - 607-776-4126
The only way to be sure about whether we can help you is to call our office. Because our funding is limited, we are always seeking new grants to fund our services to low-income people. Sometimes, we get new grants that allow us to offer new services. Sometimes, grants end that once paid for us to do special kinds of legal work.