How to Change an Adult's Name in New York

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In New York, you can change your name without going to court. You can just start using your new name. However, it may be better to ask a court to change your name. Most government agencies or businesses (like the DMV, Social Security Administration, and airlines) will not accept your new name without a court order.

There are 2 ways to officially change your name.

Marriage or Divorce

Marriage: You and your spouse-to-be can change your names when you marry. For example,

  • The wife can take the husband’s last name,
  • The husband can take the wife’s last name, or
  • The couple can choose a new last name that they will both use.

Just put the new name that you choose on your marriage license application.

Divorce: Either spouse can ask the court to use any name used before the marriage when divorcing. New York divorce judgments include an order allowing you to return to a previous family name or surname, whether you ask for that permission or not.

You will need to send out notices of your name change to Social Security, the DMV, and other agencies who have your records.  Some sample notification forms can be found at:



To change your name for any other reason

You have to ask the New York State Supreme Court to change your name. To do that, you must fill out and file these court forms:

  • Name Change Petition
  • Name Change Order
  • Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI) (original plus 2 copies)
  • Index Number Application

Where can I get the court forms?

You can get them online at:

There is also a free, official do-it-yourself online program made by the New York court's Office of Justice Initiatives that you can find here:

Does the court need to see my ID?

Yes. You must also submit a certified copy of your birth certificate. In New York, you can get this from the state Department of Health. For more information, please visit them on the web here:

Where do I take my completed forms?

Take them to your local County Clerk’s Office. Ask the clerk to file them. In most locations, there will be a filing fee of $210.

Give the clerk all your papers and the fee, and the clerk will give you an index number. Write this number in the top-right corner of your:

  • Name Change Petition
  •  Name Change Order

Then, take your forms to the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office. Also, be aware that if you are looking to have your gender marker changed on official documentation such as your drivers license or birth certificate, New York law allows for you to ask for that in your name change petition as well.

What if I cannot afford to pay the filing fee?

If you cannot afford the fee, ask the clerk for an application to file for free. (This is called an Affidavit in Support of Application to Proceed as a Poor Person.)

Will the Court agree to change my name?

The Court usually agrees to the name change unless you want to do something illegal with the new name, like use it to trick somebody or hide from debts. If you are court-ordered to pay child support, spousal support, or alimony, or are involved in bankruptcy or other legal proceedings, the Court will likely require you to provide notice to the other parties in those proceedings before you can finalize your name change.

In about 2 or 3 weeks after you file your papers, the Court will mail you either:

  • A court order that allows you to change your name, or
  • A notice rejecting your petition. If this happens, contact the court clerk for information on how to appeal

What do I do if the Court agrees to change my name?

If the Court agrees to change your name, you must file the court order with the county clerk.

After you do so, your name change will be final.

If you are changing your name for safety reasons or because of domestic violence, you should tell the Court in your petition, ask for the court record to be sealed, and contact a local domestic violence agency. You may also ask for the court record to be sealed if you are changing your name because you are transgender.

You can find the forms you need and information about name change on the Court’s web site. Please visit



(c) Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. ®

This article provides general information about this subject. Laws affecting this subject may have changed since this article was written. For specific legal advice about a problem you are having, get the advice of a lawyer.  Receiving this information does not make you a client of our office.


Last Review Date: January 9, 2024




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