How to Get a Copy of Your RAP Sheet

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How do I get a copy of my RAP sheet?

There are a few ways you can get a copy of your RAP sheet. The easiest way to get your RAP sheet is to contact your defense attorney. If you were arrested a long time ago, your attorney’s copy may be outdated.

To get a current copy of your RAP sheet, you need to send a request to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, also known as DCJS. DCJS is the government agency that creates and maintains New York State RAP Sheets.

The process for requesting a copy of your RAP sheet is different depending on whether you live in New York State and whether you are now incarcerated. This article will explain how to get your RAP sheet.

Getting your RAP sheet if you are incarcerated

If you are incarcerated, you can ask for a copy of your RAP sheet from the DCJS Record Review Unit for free.

Getting your RAP sheet if you are not incarcerated and live in New York

  1. Contact MorphoTrust USA to schedule an appointment to have your fingerprints taken: visit or call 1-877-472-6915.
  2. You must provide one of the following Personal Record Review service codes either online or by phone:
    • For a Suppressed Record: 15464Z 
    • For an Unsuppressed Record: 15465F
  3. You must provide the following at your fingerprinting appointment:
    1. One form of identification. Visit or call 1-877-472-6915 for information about acceptable forms of identification. Note: If you are a minor between the ages of 11 and 17 and do not have an acceptable form of identification, please complete the New York Photo ID Waiver for Minors form.


    2. Payment: $62. Credit cards, checks and money orders are accepted. Checks or money orders must be made out to "Idemia".

After Submitting Your Personal Record Review request:

  • DCJS staff will process your Personal Record Review within seven to 10 business days after they receive your fingerprint transaction. You will receive your Personal Record Review from DCJS via U.S. mail. Responses cannot be picked up at DCJS.
  • New York State does not release this information to a third party.
  • Your response may include one or more of the following: your criminal history record, information about fingerprints you submitted as required by law for employment, licensing or other purpose, or a “no record” response.
  • You also will receive information explaining how to challenge the accuracy of any reported information.

Contact the Record Review Unit at 518-457-9847, 518-485-7675 or with any questions about this process.

Getting your RAP sheet if you do not live in New York

If you do not live in New York State, you need to contact DCJS to get an application. To get the application packet contact the DCJS Record Review Unit and ask  for an out of state Record Review. The DCJS Record Review Unit information is listed below.

Once DCJS receives your request, they will send you the application packet. In the application packet, you will receive:

  • a form requesting fingerprinting services and a record review
  • a fingerprinting card
  • and instructions about how to complete the packet.

You will need to pay a fee of $61.75 to receive a copy of your RAP sheet. This fee covers the $50.00 DCJS fee and the $11.75 fee for MorphoTrust USA to process your fingerprints.

Once you receive the application packet, fill out the record review form and get your fingerprints done on the card DCJS sends you. You will need to send the record review form, fingerprints card, and $61.75 to MorphoTrust USA.

MorphoTrust USA is the company that works with DCJS to complete your request for your RAP sheet. You can send the fee by cash, check, money order or credit card-made out to “MorphoTrust USA”. The contact information for MorphoTrust USA will be listed on the application.

Do not bend the fingerprinting card when you mail it to MorphoTrust USA. If the card is bent, your fingerprints cannot be processed. To find out if MorphoTrust USA received your application, call 1-877-472-6915.

MorphoTrust USA will take your request for your RAP sheet and send it to DCJS. Once DCJS has your information, you should receive a response within 7 to 10 business days.

What if I can’t afford the fee to get my RAP sheet?

If you cannot afford the fee, you can ask for it to be waived. To get the fee waived, you need to send DCJS proof that you cannot afford to pay it.

To apply for a fee waiver, contact DCJS to get an application for a Record Review Fee Waiver. To get the application call, email, or write to the DCJS Record Review Unit. The DCJS Record Review Unit information is listed below.

Once DCJS receives your request, they will send you the application packet. In the application packet, you will receive:

  • a form requesting fingerprinting services and a record review
  • a fingerprinting card
  • and instructions about how to complete the packet.

Once you receive the application packet, fill out the record review form and get your fingerprints done on the card DCJS sends you. You will also need to give proof that you cannot afford the fee to get your RAP sheet. If you are receiving any public assistance, Medicaid, or Food Stamps, send a copy of your EBT or Medicaid card to DCJS. If you do not receive public assistance and still cannot afford the fee, you need to send a notarized statement to DCJS that lists all of your income, expenses, and any assets you have.

You will need to send the record review form, fingerprints card, and proof that you cannot afford the fee to the DCJS Record Review Unit at the address above. Do not bend the fingerprints card when you mail it to the DCJS.

DCJS will contact you to let you know if the fee has been waived. It should take 7 to 10 business days for DCJS to contact you after the application is received. If the fee is not waived, you will not be able to receive a copy of your RAP sheet until you pay the fee.

How can I contact the DCJS Record Review Unit?

If you have questions, or need to request an application or form, you can call, email, or write to the DCJS Record Review Unit. The information is listed below:

Phone:           (518) 485-7675

(518) 457-9847






Records Review Unit

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services
80 South Swan Street, 5th Floor
Albany, New York 12210


I received a copy of my RAP sheet, now what?

            For more information about reading your RAP sheet, see our article entitled,

“Understanding your RAP Sheet”.

What if there is something wrong on my RAP sheet?

RAP sheets often contain mistakes. If something on your RAP sheet is wrong, there are steps you can take to fix the problem. For more information, see our article entitled “Cleaning Up Your RAP Sheet”.


* * * * *

(c) Legal Assistance of Western New York, Inc. ®

This article provides general information about this subject. Laws affecting this subject may have changed since this article was written. For specific legal advice about a problem you are having, get the advice of a lawyer.  Receiving this information does not make you a client of our office.


Last Review Date: May 2016


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