Jamestown Location

Serves Chautauqua County
Address: 115 East Third Street Jamestown, NY 14701
Phone: 716-664-4535
Toll Free: 866-664-4567
Fax: 716-664-7179
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00AM - 5:00PM (closed during the lunch hour of 12:00PM - 1:00PM)
Mortgage and Tax Foreclosure
Consumer Issues
Family Law
Pro Se Divorce Clinic
Public Benefits
Veterans Legal Issues
Employment Discrimination
Name Changes
Unemployment Claims
Our Services Change - Call Our Office
The only way to be sure about whether we can help you is to call our office. Because our funding is limited, we are always seeking new grants to fund our services to low-income people. Sometimes, we get new grants that allow us to offer new services. Sometimes, grants end that once paid for us to do special kinds of legal work.